A Flag is a Flag
Dotca is a flag of convenience, a fictionalised persona, a relative suspension of disbelief. Working from their studio in Manchester, the five members of Dotca each have their own practice – in music, sound design, video and photography. DotCA gives us space to work collectively, to play out individual ideas and concerns and through sharing, produce works that cross fertilise each other’s practice. If we belong to any movement then it is only the slow movement, slow walking, slow looking, slow translation. We produce work rarely and this site documents just some of our output.
A Flag is a Flag
Dotca is a flag of convenience, a fictionalised persona, a relative suspension of disbelief. Working from their studio in Manchester, the five members of Dotca each have their own practice – in music, sound design, video and photography. DotCA gives us space to work collectively, to play out individual ideas and concerns and through sharing, produce works that cross fertilise each other’s practice. If we belong to any movement then it is only the slow movement, slow walking, slow looking, slow translation. We produce work rarely and this site documents just some of our output.